Tuesday 8 January 2008

Good golf gift

We all know about the bad ones, so here's one I liked. It's a print by Mark Denman called 'The Golfers'. This image doesn't do it justice but it shows a typical (if crowded!) golfing scene and around the margin (you definitely can't see this) is a hand-written account of the conversations that might be taking place e.g 'Side wind my foot! There was more wind out of that badger's bottom on the tenth!'
It's advertised as 'humorous' but it's also very easy on the eye, not in a 'cartoon' style at all. I'm look forward to having it framed and on the wall, and thanks to Mark for letting me use the digital image.

As soon as it was unwrapped, I was immediately reminded of Dartmouth Golf and Country Club, which has a similar landscape and clubhouse. Mark now lives in Dartmouth so maybe that's no coincidence. I'd like to say it's one of my favourite courses, but in Feb 2006 I had a three very bad rounds there. Maybe the picture will tempt us to have another go in better weather.

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