Friday 5 October 2007

Addictions and Afflictions: three swings and you're out!

It's generally agreed that golf is an affliction, or possibly an addiction. According to Golf Girl it's now referred to in China (where it's really taking off) as Green Opium (though I always thought opium would be a pleasant experience, unlike the torture of a bad round), and Golf in London has also been wondering why we put ourselves through it. But aside from the major disability of playing golf, there are lots of lesser symptoms suffered by golfers. Tom Cox lists a number of the more familiar ones, like Repetitive Waggle Syndrome or Burble's Disease.
I'm definitely not guilty on the waggling front (on the principle that the longer you think about a shot the worse it usually turns out) but confess I used to give in to the odd moment of burbling, i.e. treating my partner to an in depth anaysis of exactly why my shot drifted right/pulled left/never left the ground (and how I'll avoid it next time). I was cured (I think) after a round with our club's biggest burbler when I realised just how annoying it gets.
There's one more thing I think should be added to Tom's list of Lesser-Known Golfing Diseases and that's Persistent Set-Up Syndrome. It's just about bearable when someone takes a while swishing and waggling on the tee, but when they do it on every shot (including putting) it gets a bit much to bear.
Maybe there should be new rule - three practice swings and you're out!

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